Unforseen First Odyssey (U.F.O)
Role on game: Lead programmer
I was solely responsible for building the code for my team, Bouken Games. UFO is a Third-person role playing game that has both a platforming phase, and a turn-based battle phase. The main features I implemented include:
Turn-based battle system using an Active Time Battle (ATB) formula, with the options to attack, defend, use items, or use magic.
Navigation icons to help the player know where objectives are. Programming HUDs to update depending on changes ingame (damage taken, magic points used, exp gained)
Implementing enemies with magical weaknesses and resistances, as well as status dealing attacks like Poison.
An Inventory system for Items, EXP gain and level bonuses, and saving and loading between sessions.
Please see the gifs for specifics instances of features in action.